How to Create Surveys in Mailchimp, Google Forms & Survey Monkey

Surveys help businesses acquire actual feedback and understand which parts of the product work well and which don't. The surveys allow us to correct business processes and communications inside the email channel over time. In this article, we'll tell you how to create surveys in Mailchimp, Google Forms, and Survey Monkey.
1. Go to the Audience → Survey tab and click Create a Survey
Here are the blocks that can be applied to creating a survey:
Every field can be set as "Required" and "Toggle Other Option" can be added to it.
As you've finished applying all the changes in the "Questions" tab, you can move to the "Design" tab in order to set the look of the survey.
Here you can:
In general, it is enough to create a rather simple, but convenient survey.
There will be a Mailchimp logo on the survey by default. It can be disabled only in the paid version. The same thing goes for the logo of the platform in the footer of the email. The only thing you can do is just place it in a nice way. If you want to disable it completely you'll have to pay for the program.
When your design is ready, just click the "Save&Close" button in the upper right corner. To turn on the design just move the "Turn on" slide on the surveys tab.
The survey itself is hosted on the Mailchimp server and the link to it can be copy-pasted into the emails and sent to your subscribers. To get the special link for the emails just click the "Share by mail" button.
There are two versions of the link:
Using Google Forms is one of the easiest and one of the most trusted ways of creating a survey in the email. There will be a link to a Google Form that a user may use to leave their opinion. The answers will go to the pre-readied Google Table where the data is updated in real time. You can pick a table in the "Answers" tab which will collect and contain the results of a survey, or you can just create a new survey table. There you can also turn on the notifications that will go to your email after any form is filled.
These forms provide enough functions to create a survey in most cases.
Types of blocks in Google Forms:
The biggest advantage is that it is a free and functional tool that is suitable enough even for big companies.
The surveys can be personalized, images and videos can be added to them and you can change the head of the survey, for example, in order to decorate it with the company's corporate colors.
The surveys made on this service are very similar to the ones made in Google Forms: there will just be a link leading to a survey in an email. The difference is that the survey itself gives more flexibility and data. For example, you can see the coefficient of survey filling in order to correct its difficulty or length if needed. And there are also many templates for various types of surveys.
Such as:
You can choose several forms of surveys:
This platform is the best choice for those companies that hold lots of surveys, not only in email marketing. It is convenient to create reports and to contain and look through its analytics. But if you don't have too many questions Google Forms will suit you well.
Here is an example of a chat-style survey:
This survey can be made without using any additional services or interactivity in the email. NPS Survey allows the user to quantify their satisfaction. For example, with the ten-point scale. The rating in every figure of the survey leads to the page with gratitude for finishing the survey. But the fact that every figure has its own URL allows us to segment the people who have responded in this or that way. This exact variant cannot be done in Mailchimp now. But with the development of the functional side of Customer Journey Map, the service will acquire the ability to segment people by their click to a certain link.
If a user gives a 1 to 4 mark then their link in an email leads to the application form for the tech support or to request filling form. A 5 to 7 mark leads to the "Thank you for completing our survey" form. An 8 to 10 mark will give a link to a personal promo code for a discount.