How Email Marketing Done By Pros Helped Increase Engagement

In this case study, you'll learn why popular brands like Miele Canada choose EmailSoldiers, how we create email marketing strategies for our clients and what goals our team helps them achieve.
Miele Canada is one of the international offices of a German home appliances manufacturer that has both online and offline stores. Miele offers premium goods and quality customer service.
Miele Canada had already tapped into email marketing as a part of their global strategy: their communications included promotional and triggered campaigns. They saw how effective email marketing could be, so they were ready to start working with us.
We'd worked with Miele before their email volume increased and we’d managed to prove we were a reliable and competent team.
Miele Canada’s customers could shop both offline and online. In most cases, customers preferred to buy home appliances in offline stores, so Miele Canada needed to increase online sales.
Email marketing could help them win more online sales: it was a great way to send bulk email notifying customers of upcoming discounts/sales and providing personalized offers for clients
1. We prepared for the production stage based on our previous experience with Miele and other clients;
2. We introduced our own ideas for email campaigns while staying within the client's content plan and guidelines. For example:
- we made several curated content campaigns about Miele products connected with various holidays, like our First Day of School email campaign promoting home appliances that make one's life easier;
- or a National Dog Day email about vacuum cleaners best fit for people with pets;
- we also suggested letting subscribers take a break from the usual promo emails and created several useful campaigns, e.g. we made an email with a… seafood recipe!
Such campaigns helped to show that the brand cares about the clients.
3. We segmented the subscribers and delivered personalized content to them, for example:
- when sending a campaign about dishwashers we excluded those clients who bought one within last 3 years, considering the appliance’s life-time and other factors (e.g. moving to another place);
- we also considered whether a client had appliances of a certain model when sending campaigns on accessories and household chemicals for these models of the products.
For instance, in the first email, besides telling about the strong points of Miele’s new vacuum cleaner, we also made a great offer that allowed the customers to save money and get a 5-year warranty on their purchase. This strategy not only draws attention to the product but also fosters customer loyalty.
The second email also provides information about a Miele product with a 360-degree view of it. With four pictures and four short lines of text, we highlighted the strengths of the new vacuum cleaner saving subscribers' time.
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